
In the area you have selected (Bahia) urban flood hazard is classified as high based on modeled flood information currently available to this tool. This means that potentially damaging and life-threatening urban floods are expected to occur at least once in the next 10 years. Project planning decisions, project design, and construction methods must take into account the level of urban flood hazard. The following is a list of recommendations that could be followed in different phases of the project to help reduce the risk to your project. Please note that these recommendations are generic and not project-specific.

Climate change impacts: In western Brazil, medium confidence in an increase in extreme precipitation and an increase in the number of extreme rainfall events. Elsewhere, model projections are inconsistent in changes in rainfall. River flood hazard may increase in these areas as a result of climate change. It may be prudent to design projects that are robust enough to enable continued operation in case of increased rainfall, particularly where hazard is already considered to be high.


  • EXISTING INFORMATION: Obtain pre-existing flood hazard information. The high-level information available in this tool may indicate the presence of flood hazard in your project area. However, because flood hazard can change dramatically over short distances, the exact geographical location of your project should be checked against pre-existing flood hazard information. More information
  • TECHNICAL EXPERTISE: Consult with professionals who can provide a more detailed understanding of the risk posed to your project by flooding. The level of guidance required will depend upon the level of hazard present, the vulnerability of the project and local legislation that might apply. More information
  • PROJECT LOCATION: Consider relocation of the project. If local flood risk information confirms your project is exposed to a high level of flood hazard, relocation to areas not prone to flooding is recommended where viable. This decision will need to be undertaken with the consideration of other hazards. More information
  • EARLY WARNING SYSTEMS: Identify early warning systems (EWS) that may exist in your project area. EWS aim to provide communities with advanced warning of an imminent flood event, based on weather forecasts, recorded rainfall or rising water levels upstream. They can be used to trigger protocols (such as the deployment of portable flood defenses or evacuation) to mitigate impacts of a flood event. More information
  • INTERDEPENDENCY: Consider vulnerability of other assets within the project's dependency network. If your project is interdependent with other projects, it is important to assess the vulnerability of the entire network if the service provided is critical. More information
  • LOCATION ASSESSMENT: The high-level information available in this tool may indicate the presence of urban flood hazard in your project area. Before committing significant resources to this issue, a study of the immediate environment can help you to assess whether more detailed assessment and/or intervention should be considered. More information
  • FLOOD HAZARD MANAGEMENT: Your project or development should consider flood management measures, such as catchment management and implementation of flood defenses. More information
  • DO NOT INCREASE HAZARD: Built infrastructure may alter flood hazard. Constructing a significant piece of infrastructure can significantly alter the landscape and potentially influence how an area responds during a flood. Any alteration of the landscape should be undertaken with consideration as to how this will influence the local hydrology. More information
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