
In the area you have selected (Bahia) earthquake hazard is classified as low according to the information that is currently available. This means that there is a 2% chance of potentially-damaging earthquake shaking in your project area in the next 50 years. Based on this information, the impact of earthquake should be considered in the project, in particular during design and construction. Project planning decisions, project design, and construction methods should take into account the level of earthquake hazard. Further detailed information should be obtained to adequately account for the level of hazard.


  • EARTHQUAKE HISTORY AND HAZARD: Get information about major earthquakes and secondary hazards (fires, landslides, liquefaction, tsunami in coastal areas) that have affected the project area in the past and the effects these caused. Community memory and historical accounts of earthquakes can provide useful information to supplement scientific studies. Contact the governmental organisations (e.g. Ministry of Environment and Geological Survey/ Ministry of Earth Sciences) responsible for earthquake risk management in the project country to obtain more detailed information on the potential earthquake hazard. Remember that low hazard does not mean no hazard. More information
  • LOCAL BUILDING REGULATIONS: Find out if the local building regulations provide for earthquake protection. To do this, engage the local engineering community, especially those serving with the local government or consult external experts. If regulations do include earthquake protection, comply with the regulations with respect to planning, design and construction, including typology of construction, and materials of appropriate quality suitable for use in areas of low seismic hazard. If they do not, consider adopting and complying with standards from other low earthquake hazard areas. More information
  • INTERACTING HAZARDS: Determine whether the project site is likely to be affected by ground failure or other site hazards during an earthquake. Soil investigations should be conducted by a geotechnical engineer to determine physical properties of the soil including its liquefaction potential, the stability of natural slopes and other considerations for design. Select a project location with minimal site hazards if possible. Ensure that the proposed project is not built on or near active earthquake faults. More information
  • TECHNICAL EXPERTISE: Even in low hazard regions, it is important that competent technical personnel are involved in the project design and implementation. It is important for the technical personnel involved in building projects in earthquake-prone areas to understand all provisions in the building standards, and why these are necessary to design and build earthquake resistant structures. The designs should be reviewed by a structural engineer with earthquake engineering experience, to ensure that the structure meets a basic, minimum level of earthquake resistant design for low hazard areas as prescribed in the building code. More information
  • INSURANCE: Consider purchasing earthquake insurance to cover potential losses to the project. While insurance does not prevent injuries or deaths, or save communities, it can reduce financial losses and enable a project or facility to recover from the effects of an earthquake and regain its function more quickly. More information
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