Hassi R'Mel

In the area you have selected (Hassi R'Mel) the wildfire hazard is classified as very low according to the information that is currently available to this tool. This means that there is less than a 4% chance of experiencing weather that could support a problematic wildfire in your project area with only a minor chance of causing disruption in any given year. Although the hazard level is considered to be very low in the location based on available historical weather information, locally specific conditions such as the occurrence of dry fuels and steep slopes may require that wildfire be considered possible. If local or additional information sources suggest that wildfire should be considered, follow the recommendations below and seek expert guidance on additional recommended actions.

Climate change impacts: Modeled projections of future climate identify a likely increase in the frequency of fire weather occurrence in this region, including an increase in temperature and greater variance in rainfall. In areas already affected by wildfire hazard, the fire season is likely to increase in duration, and include a greater number of days with weather that could support fire spread because of longer periods without rain during fire seasons. Climate projections indicate that there could also be an increase in the severity of fire. It would be prudent to design projects in this area to be robust to increases in the severity and frequency of wildfire hazard. Areas of very low or low wildfire hazard could see an increase in hazard, as climate projections indicate an expansion of the wildfire hazard zone. Consider local studies on the impacts of climate change on wildfire trends, before deciding whether to design projects to withstand fire of greater intensity than those previously experienced in this region.


  • REGULATIONS: Check with local authorities for any local regulations concerning wildfire hazard. Ensure that the project conforms to 1) any applicable wildfire land use planning regulations; 2) any applicable building regulations 3) any existing plans for warning and evacuation; and 4) any national laws, regulations and rules. More information
  • LOCATION ASSESSMENT and PROFESSIONAL GUIDANCE: The high-level information available in this tool indicates the potential for weather that could support wildfire spread in your project area. Before committing significant resources to this project, a professional study of both the local fire weather potential, fire history and capacity of the surrounding landscape to support wildfire should be considered. More information
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