
In the area you have selected (Minnesota) earthquake hazard is classified as very low according to the information that is currently available. This means that there is less than a 2% chance of potentially-damaging earthquake shaking in your project area in the next 50 years. Based on this information, the impact of earthquake need not be considered in different phases of the project, in particular during design and construction. Although the hazard is considered to be very low or non-existent in the project location based on the information available in ThinkHazard!, additional information may show some level of hazard. If local or additional information sources suggest that there is earthquake hazard, follow the recommendations below and seek expert guidance on additional recommended actions.


  • EARTHQUAKE HISTORY AND HAZARD: Get information about any earthquakes and secondary hazards (fires, landslides, tsunami in coastal areas) that have affected the project area in the past and the effects these caused. Community memory and historical accounts of any past earthquakes can provide useful information to supplement scientific studies. Contact the governmental organisations (e.g. Ministry of Environment and Geological Survey/ Ministry of Earth Sciences) responsible for earthquake risk management in the project country to obtain more detailed information on any potential earthquake hazard. More information
  • LOCAL BUILDING REGULATIONS: Find out if the local building regulations include minimum standards for earthquake protection, even in very low hazard areas. To do this, engage the local engineering community, especially those serving with the local government, in discussions; or consult external experts. Comply with the minimum standards. More information
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