Region VIII (Eastern Visayas)

In the area you have selected (Region VIII (Eastern Visayas)) volcanic hazard is classified as high according to the information that is currently available. This means that the selected area is located at less than 50 km from a volcano for which a potentially damaging eruption has been recorded in the past 2,000 years and that future damaging eruptions are possible. Based on this information, the impact of volcanic eruption must be considered in all phases of the project, in particular during project design, implementation and maintenance. Further detailed information should be obtained to adequately account for the level of risk posed by individual volcanoes.


  • EARLY WARNING ACTION: Ensure the project can act on volcanic early warnings. This may involve having a plan in place to mobilize in the event of a warning being received. More information
  • IMPACT: Consider the effect that potentially lethal and destructive volcanic hazards near to the volcano – ballistic projectiles, lava flows, lahars and pyroclastic flows – could have on the planned project. Lahars can impact areas within valleys as far as 100 km from a volcano. Further information should be gained from local volcanic hazard maps, if available. More information
  • REGULATIONS: Check with local authorities for any local regulations concerning volcanic hazards. Ensure that the project conforms to 1) any applicable volcanic hazard land use planning regulations; 2) any existing plans for warning and evacuation; and 3) any national laws, regulations and rules. More information
  • TECHNICAL EXPERTISE: Engage a qualified local or international volcanologist to investigate the volcanic hazards in the project area in more depth. Where possible, establish a relationship with the local volcano observatory/agency. More information
  • IMPACT FAR FROM HAZARD SOURCE: Consider the effects of volcanic ashfall and gases on the project. These hazards are the most far-reaching of the volcanic hazards and can affect areas hundreds or even thousands of kilometers downwind of volcanoes. More information
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