Democratic Republic of Congo

In the area you have selected (Democratic Republic of Congo) cyclone (also known as hurricane or typhoon) hazard is classified as very low according to the information that is currently available. This means that there is less than a 1% chance of potentially-damaging cyclone-strength winds in your project area in the next 10 years. Based on this information, the impact of cyclones does not necessarily need to be considered in different phases of the project, in particular during design and construction. Although the hazard is considered to be very low in the project location based on the information available in ThinkHazard!, other sources may show some level of cyclone hazard. If local or additional information sources suggest that there are cyclones, follow the recommendations below and seek expert guidance on additional recommended actions.


  • INSURANCE: For cyclone wind risks that cannot be mitigated, consider insurance products specifically aimed at alleviating the financial costs associated with wind risk. More information
  • INTERACTING HAZARDS: Project planning, design, and construction practices should account for strong wind from potential cyclones in your project area. More information
  • EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLANS: Identify the regional and national government’s emergency response policy and protocols to cyclones (including coastal and inland flooding and wind hazard) in your project area and incorporate as necessary. More information
  • CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE: If the project involves the development of critical infrastructure (e.g., a hospital, fire station, or power transmission line), or will support critical infrastructure, you should consider how your project can be affected by wind that occurs outside of the specific project location. More information
  • TECHNICAL EXPERTISE: Consult with an expert familiar with cyclone wind hazard and risk-related construction practices in your local area. Such consulting professionals include structural engineers, civil engineers, and atmospheric scientists. Incorporate local and subject matter expertise in the design, construction, and maintenance phases of your project. More information
High Low
Medium Very low
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